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Local News and Event Announcements

Details about the November 2020 Election


Burleigh County voters will have three options to cast a ballot in the November 3, 2020 General Election. These three options are: voting absentee, voting early, or voting on Election Day. Voters can request an absentee ballot by calling the Burleigh County Auditor's office at 701-222-6718 and requesting an application for a ballot.

Alternatively, voters may visit and click "Vote by Mail/Absentee" and follow the steps to get a pre-filled application. All ballot request applications must be printed, signed and returned to the Burleigh County Auditor's office at PO Box 5518, Bismarck, ND 58506 to be processed. Any qualified voter within Burleigh County may utilize the early vote precinct held at the Bismarck Event Center at 315 S. 5th Street, Bismarck, ND. 

Early vote will be open Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 through Monday, November 2nd, 2020, excluding Sundays.

Please visit to find early vote hours. Voters may also choose to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020.


The Burleigh County Auditor's office urges voters to check their polling location by visiting and clicking "Where Do I Vote?" as their Election Day polling location from previous years may have changed. All polling locations in Burleigh County will be open from 7am to 7pm on Election Day. Whether a citizen votes by absentee ballot or in-person, valid identification including the voter's name, current residential address, and date of birth is required. Options include a North Dakota driver's license, a nondriver's identification card, ID issued by a tribal government, or a long-term care identification certificate. More information about voter identification and to verify voting information and address can be found at


If a voter is unable to update their current address before election day, then the voter MUST bring with them a document such as a lease, utility bill, or bank statement showing their current residential address.


Important dates for the public to be aware of:


Receiving and returning an Absentee Ballot Application 


October 16th

Suggested last day to return an application via mail to the Auditor’s Office; after this date, deposit the application in the secure drop box at the City/County Building located at 221 N. 5th Street, Bismarck. 

Receiving and returning an Absentee Ballot


September 24th

Auditor’s Office begins to mail ballots


October 16th

Contact the Auditor’s Office if an absentee ballot application was submitted, but the voter has not yet received a ballot.


October 29th

Last day ballots will be mailed to voters.


November 2nd

Ballots returned via mail must be postmarked by this date. 
This does NOT mean put it in the mail that day. If a ballot is mailed ON November 2nd, there is no guarantee that it will be postmarked that same day. If mailing on the 2nd, it is advised for the voter to go to a post office and ask for a hand stamp of the postmark for that day. It is recommended to return a ballot via USPS at least one week before the election; if submitting your ballot within one week of the election, it is recommended to use the secure ballot drop box at 221 N. 5th St, Bismarck.

  • Ballots returned via secure ballot drop box at 221 N. 5th St, Bismarck must be deposited by 5 pm CT.

  • Ballots returned in person to the Auditor's Office must be received by 5 pm CT. 




Early Voting


October 21st 

Early Vote opens at the Bismarck Event Center at 315 S. 5th Street, Bismarck at noon.


November 2nd

Early Vote closes at 5 pm CT 


November 3rd, Election Day Voting: 

Polling locations throughout Burleigh County open 7am through 7pm CT


WHY to Vote by MailWatch this short video for details on voting by mail in Burleigh and Morton Counties


HOW to Vote: Watch this short video for more details.



Burleigh and Morton County Candidate Profiles


Burleigh County Auditor 


Burleigh County Commission


Morton County Commission


2020 US Census


"The 2020 Census will determine congressional representation, inform hundreds of billions in federal funding every year, and provide data that will impact communities for the next decade."

"School lunches. Plans for highways. Support for firefighters and families in need. Census results affect your community every day."


Complete your census today because it impacts so much, including redistricting. 2020 US Census Homepage



Voter Forums
June 9, 2020 Elections


The League of Women Voters Bismarck Mandan, in partnership with Dakota Media, hosted candidate interviews for the races that will be decided in the June 9 election. Those races are the Bismarck City Commission, Bismarck School Board, and Mandan School Board.


You can see those interviews on Dakota Media Access's website.


Bismarck Public School Candidate Interviews

  • Karen Dunlap

  • Dan Eastgate

  • Donnell Preskey Hushka

  • Kristine Johnson

  • Brooke LeBeau

  • Nick Thueson

  • Sargianna Wutzke


Bismarck City Commission Candidate Interviews

  • Mike Connelly

  • Brandi Jude

  • Steve Marquardt

  • Mark Splonskowski


Mandan Public School Candidate Interviews

  • Darren Haugen

  • Kama Hoovestol

  • Marnie Piehl

  • Ellie Shockley


Visit us on Facebook at: League of Women Voters, Bismarck/Mandan for more information and updates on debates, forms and other events.



Status of Women Survey
April 23, 2020


The North Dakota Commission on the Status of Women is conducting a statewide survey to identify existing programs and gaps in programming related to increasing the number of women who fill leadership roles across our state.


Please take a few minutes share your thoughts at this link


The North Dakota Commission on the Status of Women is an all-volunteer Commission appointed by Governor Burgum to serve as an advisory group to the Department of Commerce, North Dakota Legislature, and Office of the Governor on issues related to the well-being of women. Their focus area for the near future is women's leadership (elected, appointed, professional, etc.)






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