League Positions
We take action on public policy by preparing testimony, lobbying legislators, and initiating advocacy campaigns on issues of interest to our members. Our guiding document for taking action is Impact on Issues, which contains the League's public policy positions.
This page will be especially helpful for League members and supporters to understand how the League takes positions and action on issues.
Overview: Taking Positions on Bills
Our Advocacy Team evaluates bills during the ND Legislative Session based on adopted League positions found in the League's Impact on Issues. If a bill is consistent with these positions, the League can support it. If it is inconsistent, the League can oppose it. If there are no relevant positions, the League cannot address the bill.
Remember: Only our official lobbyists can speak on behalf of the League. You can take action on bills on behalf of yourself as an individual, not as a representative of the League of Women Voters.
How We Take Positions
League positions reflect the consensus of the membership after studying an issue, debating it, and voting to adopt a specific position. These positions, enacted and evolved by members over the lifetime of the League, are the guideposts for all of our actions on issues. If members have not studied and come to consensus on an issue, we have no position and no stance on that issue. Issues can be studied and positions adopted at the National, State and local League levels.
League Positions
Impact on Issues is our guiding document on the League's public policy positions. Leagues use it to take positions to act in their own state or community. The positions in this document are updated every two years at the LWVUS Convention where delegates from Leagues across the country meet and vote.
Taking Action on Issues
Each League works on issues at its own level of government. The National League focuses on the federal government, the State Leagues focuses on state government, and the local Leagues focus on local government. To work on issues at a different level of government, the local or state League must get support to do so. For example, a local League must get support from the State League to take action on state legislation. League members are welcome and encouraged to act on their own behalf and contact their legislators without any mention of or attribution to the League.

Speaking with One Voice
Speaking with one voice is one of the most important tenets of the League. The national League is responsible for determining strategies and action policies that ensure that the League’s message on national issues is consistent throughout the country. Similarly, state Leagues are responsible for a consistent state message, and local Leagues must cooperate with one another to ensure that regional issues are addressed in a manner consistent with neighboring Leagues.
Speaking for the League
Usually the president of the National, State, or local League is the only person who speaks for the League in an official capacity, unless another person has been designated as the official spokesperson on a specific issue. The key is that this designation is explicitly made by the appropriate Board. This helps to ensure that the League speaks with one voice, which is essential for the League's effectiveness as an advocacy and lobbying organization.
We encourage League members to participate in the political process in their individual capacity. If you are testifying at the state legislature or giving public comment at a government meeting, please don't identify yourself as a League member unless you've been designated by your League Board as an official spokesperson. You are welcome to state that you are informed by or have learned about issues through the League.

The League's Two Hats
The League has two distinct hats: advocacy and voter engagement. League members can wear either hat but not both at the same time. Advocacy is work on an issue, like studying, educating, or taking a position. Voter engagement is serving voters through activities like voter education and election observation. Because these two hats are separate, we never put our positions in our voter guide or other voter education materials.
Advocacy Resources
This course from the National League is designed for new League advocates. Each of the modules includes educational resources for individuals to navigate at their own pace that will help build their foundation for advocacy work in their communities.
A helpful resource for understanding terms that are unique to the League.
A guide to the differences between advocacy and lobbying.
This handy guide from the Maine League shares how the League's study process works. This process is how the League forms positions on issues.
Collection of studies conducted by League members across the country.
The League's guiding document on public policy positions.