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Your Vote, Your Voice

North Dakota Election: November 5, 2024

Qualifications to Vote

To vote in North Dakota, you must be a US citizen, a North Dakota resident for at least 30 days, and at least 18 years old on Election Day.

Voter ID Required

A valid North Dakota ID is required to vote. If you are a naturalized US citizen, please make sure you’ve updated your North Dakota driver’s license or non-driver’s ID card since your naturalization.

Ways to Vote: In Person or by Mail

Find your polling place for in-person voting or apply to vote absentee (vote by mail). Absentee ballots are due by November 4, postmarked or hand-delivered by 5pm.

Sample Ballot

The League of Women Voters has a sample ballot on Enter your address on the homepage to see the races and candidates that will be on your ballot.

US House & Senate Candidate Responses

US Senate Candidates

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Katrina Christiansen (D)

What are your top three priorities?

Katrina: 1) Championing real economic opportunity by ensuring access to resources for our farmers, energy workers, & rural communities while striving to cool inflation & sustain robust job growth.
2) Strengthening Social Security, Medicare, & healthcare systems prioritizing the well-being of all citizens.
3) Protecting American interests at home & abroad, safeguarding our national security & prosperity by securing the border, countering threats like Putin, & responding promptly to emerging threats.

What would you do to support a vibrant economy in our state?

Katrina: I'll focus on bringing manufacturing, energy, agriculture, and digital innovation to the state alongside smart infrastructure development. I will prioritize implementing policies to lower higher education costs, provide affordable childcare and housing, and pass a robust Farm Bill. By leading the charge at the federal level in these areas, we will stimulate growth, create jobs, and ensure economic prosperity for all residents.

What is your position on immigration reform?

Katrina: Our immigration policy should aim for balance, prioritizing economic growth, security, and compassion. I support enhanced border measures to prevent illegal entry and drug trafficking while also advocating for a fair and efficient legal immigration system that will serve a growing economy. I support work visas for vetted immigrants already contributing to our communities. I will advocate for working with neighboring countries to address the root causes of migration and improve regional stability.

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Kevin Cramer (R)

What are your top three priorities?

Kevin: 1 - Provide for the common defense of the nation with an emphasis on missions at North Dakota's military and National Guard Bases
2 - Reduce the size and intrusion of the federal bureaucracy on our state and its citizens by returning constitutional authority to states. Cramer's Conviction is, stop imposing federal mediocrity on North Dakota excellence.
3 - Eliminate regulations and lower taxes to unleash North Dakota agriculture and energy producers. No one does it better, cheaper or cleaner

What would you do to support a vibrant economy in our state?

Kevin: See answers to previous questions. Lower taxes, eliminate most regulations, return power to the state, build and modernize our military bases, build transportation and water infrastructure to move products to market and pass a farm bill that reflects higher input costs due to Biden Harris inflation.

What is your position on immigration reform?

Kevin: We must secure our border and restore our sovereignty. I have been a fierce advocate for legal immigration reforms that emphasize a merit or skills based system, where immigrants are welcome when they bring education and/or skills that are in high demand in our economy. Our greatest challenge to economic growth is a workforce shortage. We should ensure immigrants add value to our economy by performing jobs, whether high, low or medium skilled, if there are not enough citizens to fill them.

US House Candidates

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Julie Fedorchak (R)

What are your top three priorities?

Julie: Border Security: I will fight to secure our Southern Border and put an end to Biden’s failed border policies that allow drug dealers, sex traffickers, and terrorists into our country.
Energy: I will work to unleash the full potential of our energy sector, harnessing our natural resources to drive economic growth and energy independence.
National Debt: We must address our nation’s debt and reign in the bloated size of government to reduce inflation and the danger the debt poses to our future.

What would you do to support a vibrant economy in our state?

Julie: I’ll confront federal overreach that stifles our energy sector and drives up costs for families. I’ll be a fierce advocate for our farmers and ranchers, championing policies that strengthen our agricultural sector and foster stability and growth. I’ll fight for federal tax and regulatory policies that encourage research, development, innovation and economic growth in our state and nation. This will create jobs, reduce poverty, help families, lower inflation and reduce our national debt.

What is your position on immigration reform?

Julie: I stand with President Trump in advocating for immediate action to secure our border and restore order to our immigration system. The unchecked illegal immigration plaguing our borders presents a severe threat to our communities and national security. We must secure the border with physical barriers and cutting-edge technologies like drones, enforce existing laws, and provide unwavering support for law enforcement as they address additional crime and threats.

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Trygve Hammer (D)

What are your top three priorities?

Trygve: Prescription drug prices are out of control. We can and should do more to allow Medicare to negotiate some prescription drug prices and take other measures to reduce the cost of these essential medications. Next, we need to protect and expand Social Security benefits for seniors. Our seniors deserve the benefits they worked their entire lives for. Lastly, tax fairness - making sure the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share so working people aren't alone in carrying the tax burden.

What would you do to support a vibrant economy in our state?

Trygve: Creating a vibrant economy in our state starts with supporting rural schools and hospitals, which in turn provide good jobs for the community and essential social services to attract more folks from out of state. Additionally, unions created the middle class and we should do more to support the protections and training they provide. Lastly, I will work with existing federal programs to increase support for low-income housing and expand new developments for more affordable housing.

What is your position on immigration reform?

Trygve: The US needs to have a secure border and pathways to citizenship. We must fix our broken asylum system and enforce our existing immigration laws, but do so with the understanding that these are real people with real lives, not just statistics.

The candidate information and responses above came directly from the League's nonpartisan voter guide on on September 28, 2024.  Enter your address on the VOTE411 homepage to read more.



©2024  League of Women Voters of North Dakota

P.O. Box 295, Fargo, ND 58107    |

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